Arquivos de periódicos de setembro 2023

05 de setembro de 2023

Update - Early September

There is news. Our Dragonfly Project went over 200,000 submissions on 9/4. We also crossed over 32,000 research grade observations for 2023. 200 thousand is amazing, I don't think any of us thought in those numbers when we started this project for the 2017 season. 32 thousand records puts us well ahead of our 5-year average, trailing only 2022 - and we might be able to get close to 2022.

Common Whitetail joined the County-Complete list. Orange Bluet and Prince Baskettail are only 7 counties short of being County-Complete. But days are getting shorter, numbers are still OK, but diversity decreases with each day from now on. More details to follow.

Early flight dates should now be complete unless some early season observations arrive. We set new early flight for 11 species this season. We also have 2 species (Jade Clubtail and Painted Skimmer) that set new late flight dates - there may be more depending on our fall weather.

With the sightings of Smoky Rubyspot, our species count is now 134. This is 4 below the 5-year average. Hurricane winds may have sent us some southern species - be on the lookout!

Eastern Forktail is maintaining a lead over Eastern Pondhawk as most reported species. The 2022 leader, Blue Dasher, is #5 for the year. The top 20 species all have more than 500 observations. Halloween Pennant and American Rubyspot are close. Autumn Meadowhawk will also be in the running by the end of the year.

Franklin Co went over the 3,000 mark for 2023 observations. Franklin/2023 is now very close to Lucas/2022 for the most observations in a year. Franklin and Ashtabula now have as many observations as the bottom 42 counties. 9 counties have fewer than 100 observations. Lowest is Wood, then Paulding, Allen, Highland, Huron, Monroe, Meigs, Defiance, Clinton.

Posted on 05 de setembro de 2023, 05:05 PM by jimlem jimlem | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário

07 de setembro de 2023

Update - September 7


Eastern Forktail, Blue Dasher, Eastern Pondhawk, Eastern Amberwing, Widow Skimmer, Fragile Forktail, and Common Whitetail are now County-Complete.

Here are the next four species. These have all been observed at some point, so it's possible one or more could be our next County-Complete. Opportunities here - all around the state. It's been a while since we've had a Violet Dancer in Ottawa Co (1967) or a Blue-fronted Dancer in Geauga Co (2015).

Prince Baskettail Orange Bluet Violet Dancer Blue-fronted Dancer
Ashland Fayette Huron Carroll
Athens Hancock Logan Gallia
Columbiana Holmes Madison Geauga
Holmes Mahoning Mercer Guernsey
Marion Ross Ottawa Huron
Ottawa Sandusky Ross Jefferson
Richland Van Wert Warren Ottawa
Wyandot Richland

Other things - still looking for a Powdered Dancer in Carroll Co, a Blue-tipped Dancer in Belmont Co, a Halloween Pennant in Seneca Co, and an Azure Bluet in Sandusky Co. These observations would be county records and place these species in all 88 counties.

Posted on 07 de setembro de 2023, 09:13 PM by jimlem jimlem | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

08 de setembro de 2023

Update September 8

Following are revised numbers for 2023 season. This follows the Aug 23 journal. There were questions related to how does 2023 compare to historical numbers. So this table lists all species in the database, the number of observations in the current year, then how that compares to the recent 5 year average (2018-2022), then how 2023 compares to the historical peak (year with most observations for the species). The * indicate 2023 surpassing the 5 year average, and then where 2023 sets a new peak year. The far right column lists the most recent year the species has been observed.

At this point (Sep 8), 76 species are ahead of the 5 year average, and 40 species will have a new high season number for observations. New * may be added as the season continues.

Species 2023 Observations > 5 Yr Ave Peak Yr (prior to 2023) New Peak? Most Recent Yr
Gray Petaltail 37 2022 2023
Common Sanddragon 0 2022 2022
Dragonhunter 53 2021 2023
Rusty Snaketail 122 * 2022 * 2023
Riffle Snaketail 0 2020 2022
Eastern Ringtail 41 * 2020 * 2023
Spine-crowned Clubtail 0 1937 1937
Green-faced Clubtail 4 2022 2023
Midland Clubtail 123 * 2021 * 2023
Plains Clubtail 8 2021 2023
Handsome Clubtail 61 * 2020 * 2023
Riverine Clubtail 0 1959 2017
Cobra Clubtail 32 2021 2023
Skillet Clubtail 0 1946 2020
Splendid Clubtail 13 * 2020 2023
Elusive Clubtail 13 * 2022 2023
Russet-tipped Clubtail 33 2022 2023
Arrow Clubtail 12 2021 2023
Ashy Clubtail 198 * 2022 * 2023
Pronghorn Clubtail 79 * 2021 * 2023
Lancet Clubtail 341 * 2022 * 2023
Dusky Clubtail 29 * 2022 * 2023
Rapids Clubtail 109 * 2020 * 2023
Jade Clubtail 20 * 2022 2023
Lilypad Clubtail 27 * 2021 * 2023
Unicorn Clubtail 356 * 2022 * 2023
Laura's Clubtail 1 2020 2023
Flag-tailed Spinyleg 130 * 2019 * 2023
Black-shouldered Spinyleg 51 2021 2023
Eastern Least Clubtail 46 * 2022 2023
Northern Pygmy Clubtail 0 1995 2004
Southern Pygmy Clubtail 41 * 2021 * 2023
Taper-tailed Darner 0 1960 1960
Harlequin Darner 13 * 2022 2023
Springtime Darner 62 * 1993 * 2023
Fawn Darner 35 1993 2023
Ocellated Darner 1 2022 2023
Comet Darner 68 2022 2023
Common Green Darner 722 * 2019 * 2023
Cyrano Darner 52 * 2022 * 2023
Swamp Darner 45 2019 2023
Spatterdock Darner 57 * 2019 * 2023
Shadow Darner 33 2022 2023
Lance-tipped Darner 0 1950 2022
Variable Darner 0 1951 1951
Mottled Darner 0 1948 2015
Black-tipped Darner 6 2020 2023
Canada Darner 0 1957 1997
Green-striped Darner 4 2019 2023
Delta-spotted Spiketail 44 * 2021 * 2023
Brown Spiketail 18 * 2021 2023
Tiger Spiketail 13 * 1998 2023
Arrowhead Spiketail 16 2021 2023
Twin-spotted Spiketail 10 * 1925 2023
Swift River Cruiser 58 * 2019 2023
Allegheny River Cruiser 0 1996 2011
Royal River Cruiser 49 2019 2023
Wabash River Cruiser 0 2012 2012
Macromia Hybrid 15 * 2019 2023
Gilded River Cruiser 3 2018 2023
Georgia River Cruiser 0 1956 1956
Stream Cruiser 22 * 2022 * 2023
Umber Shadowdragon 0 1988 1994
Stygian Shadowdragon 1 1935 2023
Smoky Shadowdragon 0 1995 2023
Prince Baskettail 481 * 2019 * 2023
Common Baskettail 82 * 2019 * 2023
Slender Baskettail 1 2020 2023
Beaverpond Baskettail 1 1995 2023
Uhler's Sundragon 3 2019 2023
Mocha Emerald 8 2019 2023
Plains Emerald 0 1943 1993
Clamp-tipped Emerald 6 2019 2023
Hine's Emerald 0 1952 1961
Incurvate Emerald 0 1996 1996
Brush-tipped Emerald 0 2000 2020
Kennedy's Emerald 0 1955 1955
American Emerald 0 1994 2019
Racket-tailed Emerald 2 1999 2023
Elfin Skimmer 48 2022 2023
Eastern Amberwing 1403 * 2022 2023
Halloween Pennant 483 2019 2023
Calico Pennant 374 * 2019 2023
Banded Pennant 123 * 2019 2023
Double-ringed Pennant 5 2019 2023
Scarlet Skimmer 0 2018 2018
Band-winged Dragonlet 0 2007 2018
Little Blue Dragonlet 0 2019 2022
Blue Corporal 102 * 2019 * 2023
Yellow-sided Skimmer 3 2022 2023
Chalk-fronted Corporal 1 1948 2023
Widow Skimmer 1514 * 2019 2023
Golden-winged Skimmer 0 2021 2022
Spangled Skimmer 194 * 2019 * 2023
Painted Skimmer 107 2022 2023
Twelve-spotted Skimmer 349 2019 2023
Four-spotted Skimmer 248 * 2009 * 2023
Slaty Skimmer 719 * 2022 2023
Great Blue Skimmer 13 2022 2023
Common Whitetail 1737 * 2022 2023
Variegated Meadowhawk 30 * 2020 2023
Blue-faced Meadowhawk 60 2019 2023
White-faced Meadowhawk 7 2019 2023
Cherry-faced Meadowhawk 0 1951 2022
Ruby Meadowhawk 15 1996 2023
Band-winged Meadowhawk 56 2019 2023
Autumn Meadowhawk 342 2022 2023
Saffron-winged Meadowhawk 0 1953 2021
Dot-tailed Whiteface 235 * 2022 * 2023
Frosted Whiteface 0 1994 2021
Belted Whiteface 0 2021 2021
Blue Dasher 1709 2019 2023
Eastern Pondhawk 1916 2022 2023
Swift Setwing 56 * 2022 * 2023
Spot-winged Glider 111 * 2022 * 2023
Wandering Glider 121 2018 2023
Striped Saddlebags 0 2018 2021
Black Saddlebags 327 2022 2023
Red Saddlebags 27 * 2022 * 2023
Carolina Saddlebags 67 2019 2023
Appalachian Jewelwing 0 1900 1900
River Jewelwing 10 2021 2023
Ebony Jewelwing 1199 * 2022 * 2023
American Rubyspot 504 * 2022 2023
Smoky Rubyspot 14 2021 2023
Great Spreadwing 49 2021 2023
Elegant Spreadwing 77 * 2022 * 2023
Amber-winged Spreadwing 68 2021 2023
Spotted Spreadwing 35 2019 2023
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing 6 2021 2023
Sweetflag Spreadwing 64 * 2021 * 2023
Northern Spreadwing 1 1996 2023
Southern Spreadwing 13 2019 2023
Slender Spreadwing 345 2022 2023
Emerald Spreadwing 67 * 2022 2023
Swamp Spreadwing 62 * 2021 2023
Blue-fronted Dancer 797 * 2022 2023
Seepage Dancer 187 * 2022 2023
Violet Dancer 1106 * 2022 2023
Paiute Dancer 39 2019 2023
Powdered Dancer 735 * 2022 2023
Blue-ringed Dancer 362 * 2019 2023
Blue-tipped Dancer 661 * 2022 2023
Dusky Dancer 214 * 2022 2023
Eastern Red Damsel 207 * 2022 * 2023
Duckweed Firetail 0 2021 2021
Sphagnum Sprite 46 2022 2023
Sedge Sprite 42 * 2022 2023
Aurora Damsel 95 * 2019 * 2023
Taiga Bluet 0 1993 1993
Turquoise Bluet 200 * 2021 * 2023
Hagen's Bluet 0 2018 2020
Boreal Bluet 3 * 1949 2023
Northern Bluet 8 * 1949 2023
Skimming Bluet 638 * 2022 * 2023
Orange Bluet 561 * 2022 2023
Vesper Bluet 212 * 2022 * 2023
Marsh Bluet 0 2019 2021
Stream Bluet 832 * 2022 * 2023
Rainbow Bluet 62 * 2019 * 2023
Tule Bluet 49 2021 2023
River Bluet 8 * 2022 2023
Atlantic Bluet 0 1897 1897
Familiar Bluet 622 2022 2023
Double-striped Bluet 622 * 2019 2023
Azure Bluet 316 * 2019 2023
Westfall's Slender Bluet 497 * 2022 * 2023
Furtive Forktail 0 1930 2022
Fragile Forktail 1835 * 2022 2023
Lilypad Forktail 149 * 2019 * 2023
Rambur's Forktail 0 2019 2021
Eastern Forktail 2148 * 2019 2023
Citrine Forktail 51 2019 2023
Posted on 08 de setembro de 2023, 08:19 PM by jimlem jimlem | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

15 de setembro de 2023

Update - Mid September

Daily submissions have been pretty steadily declining. Cooler days and nights contribute to reduced Odonata numbers and diversity. But there are still things to be seen - so maybe also a bit of observer fatigue! I would remind everyone to look while you can - we won't have much to see in January.

We have a number of new County Records for Great Spreadwing - especially west-central Ohio. I'm not sure if we're having an influx or we're just looking. But 2023 will mark new Great Spreadwing occurences for Logan, Van Wert, Allen, and Miami Counties. If they're getting blown in, then we could maybe have more new records - maybe have a look. Here's the map.

Updated 11 Nov 2023

Posted on 15 de setembro de 2023, 08:52 PM by jimlem jimlem | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

28 de setembro de 2023

Update - Heading into October

Daylight hours are retreating quickly now, but there's still some sunshine. It seems many things have been late this season, I'm wondering if this will extend our Odonata flight also - maybe?

We have made progress on targets, both numbers and county species. Species diversity is connected to observations, which means people and days in the field. Here's a mapping of where we need observers. The blue counties are where we have fewer than 100 observations for 2023. The green counties are where we have the fewest number of total observations in the OOS database. Each plus sign means a need of 100 observations - so Monroe needs around 300 new records, etc. The blue/green counties that don't have a plus only need 25 or so to hit our minimum. We'll do what we can! Thanks to all the contributors.

Updated 11 Nov 2023

Posted on 28 de setembro de 2023, 08:38 PM by jimlem jimlem | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário