Arquivos de periódicos de fevereiro 2019

05 de fevereiro de 2019

Ohio Dragonfly Conference Registration now open!

Hi everyone!

The registration page for this years conference and annual meeting is now open!

Join us for fun in the field, lots of presentations, and a chance to see rare dragons! Please share with those you think might be interested.

Great for beginners and advanced alike, we hope to find several cool spring species. We are also in the region that is likely to have both State Endangered species, the Blue Corporal (Ladona deplanata) and Uhler's Sundragon (Helocordulia uhleri).

Dates: May 31st-June 2nd
Location: Rio Grande, Ohio
Cost: $10 for students, $40 for regular attendees

Register online at the bottom of this page:

Other Upcoming events:
February 23: Ohio Natural History Conference (Columbus) Another great conference focused broadly on natural history. Normally cheap registration
March 17-20th: North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Meeting (Cincinnati) MaLisa will give a short talk on the dragonfly survey, but this is also a great time to learn about current research in all things insects. Conference registration on the higher end at $250-$290 for non-members
March 21: 7:30 PM: Ohio Citizens and Dragons: Documenting threatened species (Ashland)
March 23: Museum Open House (Columbus) Tour the research collections and learn how we use biological specimens for science. Also many activities for kids like face painting and live bug exhibits. FREE ATTENDANCE!
March 30th: Ohio Outdoor and Wildlife Expo (Huron, Ohio) FREE to the Public! We will have a booth.
April 4-6th: Vernal Poolooza (Ashland).
May 31st-June 2nd: The Ohio Dragonfly Conference (Rio Grande, Ohio)
(more events the rest of the summer listed on the webpage )

Posted on 05 de fevereiro de 2019, 05:31 PM by malisaspring malisaspring | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário