Arquivos de periódicos de janeiro 2022

03 de janeiro de 2022

Happy New Year!

Dragonfly submissions for 2021 are now complete. The new data has now been integrated into the Ohio Odonata Society database.

Some 2021 numbers. For observations of adults in the wild: earliest was March 20 (Green Darner, Clermont Co); latest was November 20 (Autumn Meadowhawk, Lorain Co). So, basically an eight month span of Odonata flying across Ohio.

The 2021 observation count (2021 observations submitted in 2021) stands at 28,901, submitted by 1290 different observers. 26,232 observations were community approved as "Research Grade" - and included 140 species.

We continue to add observations for both the current year and from past years. We also continue to review observations. In 2021 we had changes with Whitefaces, resulting in Belted Whiteface (Leucorrhinia proxima) ID for 2021, but also for some historical observations, including 2020. We also approved a 2020 observation of Cherry-face Meadowhawk (Sympetrum internum). These IDs resulted in 2020 now having 141 species - up from the 139 I reported earlier. I had been excited that we set a new high in 2021 with 140 - then ran the numbers with all the new data - womp, womp. So it goes - but we now have a new goal for 2022!

Here are some numbers on the past 5 years.

Year RG Observations Species Observers>
2017 7,935 127 310
2018 19,558 135 606
2019 32,571 139 930
2020 20,494 141 1,150
2021 26,232 140 1,072

These numbers are very impressive for an all-volunteer citizen science effort.

The January issue of the Ohio Odonata Society newsletter has more survey details (in addition to other good stuff). If interested, send me a message with your email address and I'll send you the pdf.

Thanks for your participation and interest.

Posted on 03 de janeiro de 2022, 12:07 AM by jimlem jimlem | 3 comentários | Deixar um comentário

06 de janeiro de 2022

January 6 Update - 2021 Flight Range Expansion

One of the things we keep track of is the range of days that a species is seen in Ohio. We call this the flight range, this helps know when we should expect to start (or stop) looking for a species. By keeping track, when can also have some insight to on-going changes,

For 2021, we established 20 new early or late flight dates to existing species.

Species Common Name New Flight Date iNat User County
Azure Bluet new late flight 11-Nov rbarricklow Lucas
Black-shouldered Spinyleg new late flight 18-Sep lundbergj Hamilton
Blue-tipped Dancer new late flight 27-Sep jheiser Ashland
Carolina Saddlebags new early flight 10-Apr jcefus Stark
Citrine Forktail new late flight 11-Nov jheiser Coshocton
Common Green Darner new early flight 20-Mar dtibbetts Hamilton
Common Green Darner new late flight 12-Nov chelsealynne Crawford
Common Whitetail new early flight 13-Apr azornoutdoors Stark
Dragonhunter new late flight 18-Sep jimlem Champaign
Jade Clubtail new early flight 6-Jun jimlem Auglaize
Lilypad Forktail new early flight 20-May dmarsh2 Fairfield
Rambur's Forktail new early flight 30-Jun lundbergj Hamilton
Russet-tipped Clubtail new late flight 20-Oct lundbergj Hamilton
Smoky Rubyspot new late flight 20-Oct jheiser Coshocton
Sphagnum Sprite new late flight 26-Aug monicap273 Wayne
Springtime Darner new early flight 13-Apr curtisabell Clermont
Striped Saddlebags new late flight 14-Oct critterfriends0725 Lorain
Tiger Spiketail new early flight 27-May jimlem Logan
Vesper Bluet new early flight 15-May hokiedvm Allen

I should add that with Duckweed Firetail being newly identified for Ohio (Clermont Co), the range is all new at 14 Jul - 23 Jul. Duckweed Firetail - another great Odonata name!

Posted on 06 de janeiro de 2022, 05:36 PM by jimlem jimlem | 2 comentários | Deixar um comentário

09 de janeiro de 2022

January 9 Update - New Species Maps and Flight Charts

New Maps and Charts are now available on u.osu! (thanks to MaLisa for updating u.osu) A redo from last year, based on the Ohio Odonata Society Database, updated for 2021 data.

The maps are by species, color coded to indicate the counties where they have been observed. There are also indicators for recent county records. The maps can be found at:

The flight charts show the recorded time periods and numbers for each species. These are general adult numbers, based on records. The data is a little messy, but the charts are close representations. The charts can be found at:

Let me know on questions.

Posted on 09 de janeiro de 2022, 03:42 PM by jimlem jimlem | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

13 de janeiro de 2022

January 12 Update - Some County Record Numbers

County Records for 2021

For Species with 3 or more new Counties

Species # Counties
Ashy Clubtail 8
Azure Bluet 5
Citrine Forktail 4
Cobra Clubtail 4
Royal River Cruiser 4
Amber-winged Spreadwing 3
Carolina Saddlebags 3
Dragonhunter 3
Golden-winged Skimmer 3
Great Spreadwing 3
Lancet Clubtail 3
Spotted Spreadwing 3
Turquoise Bluet 3
Vesper Bluet 3
Westfall's Slender Bluet 3

For Counties with 3 or more new Species

County # Co Recs
Shelby 7
Crawford 5
Fayette 5
Auglaize 4
Clark 4
Clermont 4
Coshocton 4
Ross 4
Warren 4
Champaign 3
Darke 3
Lorain 3
Lucas 3

County Records for 2017-2021

For Species with 20 or more new Counties

Species # Counties
Carolina Saddlebags 37
Slaty Skimmer 36
Westfall's Slender Bluet 35
Dusky Dancer 33
Comet Darner 28
Wandering Glider 27
Unicorn Clubtail 24
Great Blue Skimmer 23
Royal River Cruiser 23
Citrine Forktail 21

For Counties with 20 or more new Species

County # Co Recs
Coshocton 30
Wood 26
Crawford 25
Sandusky 25
Clark 24
Fayette 24
Lorain 22
Wyandot 22
Highland 20
Jackson 20
Madison 20
Posted on 13 de janeiro de 2022, 02:11 AM by jimlem jimlem | 3 comentários | Deixar um comentário