Update - September 7


Eastern Forktail, Blue Dasher, Eastern Pondhawk, Eastern Amberwing, Widow Skimmer, Fragile Forktail, and Common Whitetail are now County-Complete.

Here are the next four species. These have all been observed at some point, so it's possible one or more could be our next County-Complete. Opportunities here - all around the state. It's been a while since we've had a Violet Dancer in Ottawa Co (1967) or a Blue-fronted Dancer in Geauga Co (2015).

Prince Baskettail Orange Bluet Violet Dancer Blue-fronted Dancer
Ashland Fayette Huron Carroll
Athens Hancock Logan Gallia
Columbiana Holmes Madison Geauga
Holmes Mahoning Mercer Guernsey
Marion Ross Ottawa Huron
Ottawa Sandusky Ross Jefferson
Richland Van Wert Warren Ottawa
Wyandot Richland

Other things - still looking for a Powdered Dancer in Carroll Co, a Blue-tipped Dancer in Belmont Co, a Halloween Pennant in Seneca Co, and an Azure Bluet in Sandusky Co. These observations would be county records and place these species in all 88 counties.

Posted on 07 de setembro de 2023, 09:13 PM by jimlem jimlem


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