Arquivos de periódicos de novembro 2019

10 de novembro de 2019

Nature Walk Vertebrates 11/10

I went for a walk around the reservoir in the afternoon. A cold front passed through a few days earlier and it was just starting to warm back up. The sun was mostly hidden behind clouds. I saw 3 turkeys on the way down as well as some squirrels, robins, sparrows and some seagulls. Once at the reservoir, I saw hundreds of coots all diving beneath the surface near the bank. Mixed in were a few swans and geese also getting a meal in. On the other side there were even more coots and some mallards, as well as around a dozen ruddy ducks.

Posted on 10 de novembro de 2019, 09:03 PM by oconnoyq oconnoyq | 7 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
