Arquivos de periódicos de setembro 2019

14 de setembro de 2019

Nature Walk Reservoir 9/14

I walked around the reservoir on the side that doesn't follow Beacon Street and over towards Cleveland Circle. It was raining heavily for the majority of the time but near the end it cleared up a bit. Overall it was kind of chilly and very wet making it not a very enjoyable walk but the organisms made up for it. There were wild plants growing all along the bank and in the forest on the other side of the trail. There were lots of joggers and dogs but that didn't seem to affect the waterfowl except for one male Mallard. There was one group of 3 swans, a group of 2 and a lone swan spread across the lake. The mallards were more bunched up with one flock of around 20 all feeding together right next to the bank. The heron was sitting by itself resting on a small island. The geese didn't land in the reservoir but rather flew over it to meet up with more geese already feeding on a nearby soccer field.

Posted on 14 de setembro de 2019, 07:53 PM by oconnoyq oconnoyq | 5 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
