Taxonomic Swap 93581 (Submetido em 10-11-2021)

POWO lists L. siler as a synomym of S. montanum:

The correct name is Siler montanum. The genera Daucus and Laserpitium were split in a revision 2016 to keep these genera monophyletic.

Adicionado(s) por tiwane em 15 de junho de 2021, 09:52 PM | Committed by kai_schablewski on 10 de novembro de 2021
replaced with


@bouteloua does this look ok?

Publicado por tiwane quase 3 anos antes

I think so...this paper says Laserpitium is polyphyletic, puts it in Siler, but says Siler has only one species, not 4 (as POWO and iNat has it). But that one species is S. montanum.

This taxon change looks OK at my cursory reading, though I started a flag for the genus here

Publicado por bouteloua quase 3 anos antes

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