Taxonomic Swap 64880 (Submetido em 09-10-2021)

Aceepted by POWO, noted in the Atlas of Florida Plants (
Notes from POWO:

First published in Fl. Ludov.: 13 (1817)
Accepted by

Christenhusz, M.J.M., Bangiolo, L., Chanse, M.W., Fay, M.F., Husby, C., Witkus, M. & Viruel, J. (2019). Phylogenetics, classification and typification of extant horsetails (Equisetum, Equisetaceae) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 189: 311-352.
Werier, D. (2017). Catalogue of the Vascular plants of New York state Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 27: 1-542.

Not accepted by (2009-continuously updated). Missouri Botanical Garden [Cited as Equisetum hyemale.]

Kew Backbone Distributions

Verloove, F. (2019). Manual of the Alien Plants of Belgium

POWO (Citação)
Adicionado(s) por thenatureofvalerie em 11 de novembro de 2019, 05:29 PM | Committed by kitty12 on 09 de outubro de 2021
replaced with


@erwin_pteridophilos Did you see this draft swap? (I don't think it had a flag.)

Publicado por kitty12 cerca de 4 anos antes

Thanks, Kitty, yes i know about this draft, discussed this with @radekwalkowiak @choess and other iNat users. My personal view is, that differences are too weak for specific separation, populations of E. hyemale do differ a lot within Europe, Asia and North America, and i do suspect that intercontinental hybrids could be well fertile, as with crossings within species'.
Relatively minor genetic differences seem often to be over-valued, useful and diligent interpretation of gene sequences is at least the same important than to handle this tool.

Publicado por erwin_pteridophilos cerca de 4 anos antes

in my opinion there should be Equisetum hyemale affine, with
in the description / parenthesis = Equisetum praealtum,
this is my opinion based on current scientific knowledge in this particular topic ..
best regards,
: )

Publicado por radekwalkowiak cerca de 4 anos antes

@radekwalkowiak Once this swap is done, the synonymity will be built into the taxon description, so a search for or attempted use of Equisetum hymenale affine will result in the suggestion of the new taxon name. (I think it will also show up in brackets in searches, just not as the primary taxon name on the taxon's page.) The synonymy will also be noted on the Taxonomy tab for Equisetum praealtum once the swap is committed. I hope that addresses your concerns.

Publicado por kitty12 cerca de 4 anos antes

@radekwalkowiak Radek, i do suggest to remove this draft here, but to do it right the other way by swapping E. praealtum to E. hyemale ssp. affine.
Even in case there was a certain genetic gap between populations of E. hyemale in America and Eurasia, this was no forcing reason for splitting into distinct species'
However, as mentioned elsewhere by Christopher @choess E. hyemale ssp. affine rather proved to be nested within the species, but not to be separated from. This is in contradiction to splitting, which seems to be needless and useless by that. Since E. praealtum is still active, the number of IDs leading to ID as "Equisetum" is increasing, see

Publicado por erwin_pteridophilos mais de 3 anos antes

ok !

Publicado por radekwalkowiak mais de 3 anos antes

Can we go ahead and commit this, one way or the other? Having both synonyms is causing some problems.

Publicado por dryopteris2 mais de 2 anos antes

I've reversed the draft swap to swap praealtum into hyemale ssp. affine, which I think is the correct direction--comments should be modified before committing

Publicado por choess mais de 2 anos antes

: )

Publicado por radekwalkowiak mais de 2 anos antes

agreed to keeping E. hyemale as single holartic species, but not to divide without covincing arguments. There seems to exist a mental, but no real barrier between "E." and "W."hemisphere, our aim is to overcome likewise boundaries of thinking and getting aware.

Publicado por erwin_pteridophilos mais de 2 anos antes

: )

Publicado por radekwalkowiak mais de 2 anos antes

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