Taxonomic Swap 61854 (Submetido em 30-08-2019)

swapped in Clements

Clements Checklist v2018 (Citação) | 8_2019 Clements update
Adicionado(s) por loarie em 30 de agosto de 2019, 08:35 PM | Committed by loarie on 30 de agosto de 2019
replaced with


Is there a possibility of reinstating the Barbary Dove taxon in the form of a variety? Such as that of the domestic Mallard?

The reason for performing this action is because no North American African-Collared Dove are actually wild types but are all domesticated Barbary Doves and they look quite different than normal African Collared-Dove. Here's a short list of different types you can get.

Publicado por birdwhisperer cerca de 4 anos antes

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