Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Forbesichthys. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Forbesichthys agassizii 100988

Taxonomic Split 108633 (Submetido em 05-06-2022)

Adicionado(s) por wildlander em 05 de abril de 2022, 09:54 PM | Committed by riverrat09 on 05 de junho de 2022
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This split should not be committed as is since the atlases are not up to date. The way that it is now it will bump IDs for both species back to genus level. Papilliferus did show that it was atlases but it really was not as it had the range covering all of the US (I just edited it back to not active).

Before preforming a split like this the atlases need to be updated and a source needs to be provided that gives a description of the range.

Publicado por riverrat09 cerca de 2 anos antes

If atlased correctly and sources given for where the species ranges are, I would be in favor of this split.

Publicado por riverrat09 cerca de 2 anos antes

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