Taxonomic Swap 107942 (Submetido em 25-03-2022)

The group name 'mountain-tanager' has been applied to species in several different genera (Buthraupis, Tephrophilus, Cnemathraupis, Anisognathus, Dubusia, and Pseudosaltator), and does not form a monophyletic group; therefore change the English name of Buthraupis wetmorei from Masked Mountain-Tanager to Masked Mountain Tanager. Masked Mountain Tanager is more closely related to Grass-green Tanager than it is to Hooded Mountain Tanager Buthraupis montana; change the scientific name from Buthraupis wetmorei to Tephrophilus wetmorei.

Clements Checklist v2021 (Citação)
Adicionado(s) por birdwhisperer em 25 de março de 2022, 06:12 PM | Committed by birdwhisperer on 25 de março de 2022
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