Arquivos de periódicos de maio 2017

06 de maio de 2017

Stink Bugs may taint the flavors of certain wines

Certainly few crops are more strongly identified with California than wine grapes. Recent research indicates that the proliferation of stink bugs (a particularly significant problems with introduced stink bug species) can introduce chemicals during the pressing - or crushing - of wine grapes. When disturbed or killed by the process, the bugs release their defensive chemicals. one of which produces the musty odor for which stink bugs are known. If the number of bugs gets beyond three insects per grape cluster, there can be enough of these chemicals in the wine to alter its flavor. Researchers also suggest that - due to details of its processing - white wine grapes may be less vulnerable. To read a more detailed summary of these findings, see

Posted on 06 de maio de 2017, 10:30 PM by jbryant jbryant | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário