Arquivos de periódicos de setembro 2015

04 de setembro de 2015

Vultures, iguanas, and rabbits, oh my!

If you've created a profile on, you should have received an email yesterday highlighting vultures, iguanas, rabbits, and how citizen science biodiversity observations tell us about our changing world. Click to see it here.

We have a great collection of vulture photos for International Vulture Awareness Day on Saturday, September 5. We're taking advantage of days like this to encourage new observations and perhaps inspire you to dig through your existing photos. It looks like it's working, so thank you!

If you want to receive emails directly from National Geographic's Great Nature Project in the future, use your iNaturalist account to log in here and tell us a little more about yourself.

For those of you in the United States, I hope you get outside to enjoy Labor Day weekend! If you're traveling, download our vacation biodiversity checklist to take along.

P.S. If you don't understand the reference in the title, watch this.

Posted on 04 de setembro de 2015, 05:35 PM by carrieseltzer carrieseltzer | 2 comentários | Deixar um comentário