MVFN - Lanark County Biodiversity's Boletim

Arquivos de periódicos de julho 2020

01 de julho de 2020

Happy Canada Day!

Hello everyone,

While Denis is basking in the sun in PEI, the rest of us can keep taking photos and submitting them to iNaturalist.

We're doing pretty well: we're up to 4232 observations and 1447 species for the county now. However, these have all been submitted by 29 observers.

For those of you who haven't tried iNaturalist yet, it's pretty easy and I encourage everyone with a smart phone or a camera to try it out.

If anyone can help with identification of any of the organism groups, we still have a fair number of observations that need identifications/confirmations. At least 2 people have to identify each observation before it is considered "research grade".

Anyway, keep up the good work!

Ken Allison

Posted on 01 de julho de 2020, 05:13 PM by ken_j_allison ken_j_allison | 2 comentários | Deixar um comentário

16 de julho de 2020

Great time to get out

Thanks first of all to everyone who has contributed to the Lanark County Biodiversity Project.
We are now over 4800 observations and have 1532 species.

Many dragonfly, moth and bees/wasp observations are being reported. It's worth going onto iNaturalist just to see some great photos of insects you've never seen before.

We seem to have good numbers of some of the more southern species this summer with all the hot weather. We've had Slaty Skimmers and Blue Dashers (both dragonflies!) at our beaver pond over the past week.

Lots of plants are flowering now, too. The spring flowers we all love are done but the summer-flowering species are in full bloom and even some of the later species like goldenrods and asters are in bud, at least.

If you are interested in insects or plants, now is a great time to dust off your cameras and go out and look at all that's going on.



Posted on 16 de julho de 2020, 07:02 PM by ken_j_allison ken_j_allison | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário