Arquivos de periódicos de outubro 2020

10 de outubro de 2020

Bioblitzes and other iNaturalist events

Lovers of nature we are all and that has been the foundation of our new circle of friends. Observing nature in all forms is a fabulous pastime and we have all found it even more to fun share not just with one another, but on this terrific platform, iNaturalist. A place where we learn a lot, make friends, commune with other nature enthusiasts, and even get into a little friendly competition.

No matter the reason we get out there, I find it super enjoyable to share the experiences with you all virtually, and on rare occasion, in a safe social distance manner :)

Per Andrea's suggestion, I have started this journal as a place to share upcoming and ongoing iNaturalist events that you may or may not be aware of. Very quickly, let me say that I find most of the information through various social media channels as well as being subscribed to a handful of newsletters and memberships, like the Natural History Museum. Once in a while, I will receive an invitation directly from a group recruiting iNat users to participate as well.

Without further babble, add these to your calendars if you are so inclined :

Snapshot Cal Coast bioblitz - ongoing until November 16 - any observation along the coast. Hopes to hold a more traditional 2 week event from Nov 28 - Dec 16, 2020 (somehow that feels too optimistic right now)
2020 SACNAS bioblitz - October 14-18 - anything not casual grade, anywhere
Socially Distant Bioblitz - every 3 weeks, next one October 18 - anything not casual grade, anywhere

That's all I have for now, and please chime in with others you are aware of.

Posted on 10 de outubro de 2020, 11:13 PM by scubabruin scubabruin | 42 comentários | Deixar um comentário

22 de outubro de 2020

Stink Bug watch

Ameeds, who I'm sure you all know because he is our #1 Stink Bug identifier, just sent me this message:

"I wanted to ask you to keep an eye out for a stink bug that I think is newly arrived to southern California. I haven't seen any observations that make it quite as far north as your observations, but you're close enough to the area that they may still be around.

Previously, these guys only have US records in south Texas, but an expert that I talked to said that if anyone was able to collect physical specimens for him to arrange to have sent for examination and confirmation of identity, this would be a very interesting record and may be a species that requires closer study as a possibly harmful invasive.

The species may be associated with glossy privet, Ligustrum lucidum,"

Just in case you come across it, and/or have Glossy Privets in your neighborhood. Laura?!

Posted on 22 de outubro de 2020, 03:26 PM by andreacala andreacala | 5 comentários | Deixar um comentário

25 de outubro de 2020

Excursion to Kim's territory

Posted on 25 de outubro de 2020, 08:32 PM by andreacala andreacala | 6 comentários | Deixar um comentário