Arquivos de periódicos de dezembro 2015

14 de dezembro de 2015

Waters Running

Coming back from breakfast yesterday morning we pulled up and noticed the creek was filling, literally before our eyes. Last year I was lucky enough to catch it, but it was a trickle took a long time to advance. Yesterday, after a decent rain in the morning, the creek was filling up quickly, going around boulders, spreading out over the rocks and filling up the pools with no problem. It was so exciting to watch it advance. I took photos, videos and well, no more camera in the creekbed until the waters go back down. Exciting!

Posted on 14 de dezembro de 2015, 03:26 PM by bjoelle bjoelle | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário

22 de dezembro de 2015

Mushroom Walk

I walked all the way down to the Russian River this morning noting how high the water was. It has already gone down since yesterday when it was raining. Down by River Rd the Hobson Creek channel is engineered but there aren't any major obstacles that would block fish. So far, none have been seen.

From there I went on a hike to photograph and I.D. mushrooms. There were many more coming up than I'd seen the other day. The biggest surprises were a huge Jack O' Lantern at the base of an oak snag, and many clumps of delicious Black Chanterelle.

went back out a few hours later to show my boyfriend the Jack O' Lantern and a couple huge branches the storm brought down and found two more species: Redwood Rooters and a clump of perfect Oysters on a log I passed twice today!


Posted on 22 de dezembro de 2015, 10:48 PM by bjoelle bjoelle | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
