Gowanus Canal: Ribbed Mussel Survey's Boletim

Arquivos de periódicos de outubro 2020

30 de outubro de 2020

Excited for Saturday!

Hi all,

Our primary goal is to document the size, location, placement, and number of ribbed mussels along the canal, although we'll add other observations as we work, as well. We'll aim to survey the wooden bulkheads on the north edge of the 6th St turning basin, with additional observations along the Salt Lot bulkheads, as time permits. 

Gary went out and marked out the level of mean high tide this week (hopefully rain hasn't disturbed his handiwork too much!), and will be providing measuring tools for each boat. We'll do a walk through of the method when we get to the site, so we can be as consistent as possible. 

Posted on 30 de outubro de 2020, 03:55 AM by celestelecompte celestelecompte
