20 de outubro de 2022

Search completed - Panama

Same search as before for Kingdom Fungi, Needs ID but this time for Panama. Around 60 pages to go through so less results than before.

These are the only two that seem to be a possible match:

Observation 92925861 Image copyright: @danais

Observation 35060081 Image copyright: @wernsmank

Some other curiosities from along the way that it would be nice to suggest an ID for:








Posted on 20 de outubro de 2022, 01:02 PM by mycomutant mycomutant | 2 comentários | Deixar um comentário

17 de outubro de 2022

Search completed - some results

I've gone through the 140 ish pages for rank: Kingdom Fungi, Costa Rica, Needs ID. Think I've found all there is from it.


These ones seem to match the previous observation of mature specimens, if you zoom in to see details. One shows pinkish colouration on the gills and yellow on the stem flesh which could be handy to ID.

Observation 99085226 Image copyright: @tinas1

Observation 129128932 Image copyright: @cicciocostarica

These immature ones may be the same:

Nothing much more of interest beyond that but I'll include the things that caught my eye along the way anyway.

This mature one looks similar with some cap scales but I'm not sure it is the same:

I think this is something else but the broken pieces of cap in the blurry image resemble the area around the other one:

I think these immature ones are something else but they look superficially similar in the blurry photos so I am not certain what they are and it would be nice to rule them out for sure:

EDIT: I think they are likely the immature form of this observation and may be a Xylaria species:


Something white and furry on a leaf, unrelated I'm sure and possibly from insects or spiders but including in case anyone can identify it so similar could be ruled out in future searches in case they are found on wood.

Posted on 17 de outubro de 2022, 08:41 AM by mycomutant mycomutant | 5 comentários | Deixar um comentário

14 de outubro de 2022

Something interesting from Brazil

Doesn't look quite the same as the others but the base of the stem looks like it could have a similar pseudovolva like structure to the other. Though the photo is a little blurry.


Posted on 14 de outubro de 2022, 05:47 PM by mycomutant mycomutant | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

Similar observations might have been classified as Coprinopsis

I believe this is not the same, but the last picture shows several young specimens that looks similar to the one we are trying to ID. The main difference would be the stipe I believe (look at the last picture)


Posted on 14 de outubro de 2022, 05:01 PM by satanfungi satanfungi | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
