Birds of Algeria's Boletim

Arquivos de periódicos de julho 2020

18 de julho de 2020

New localities and distribution of African Silverbill Euodice cantans in Southern Algeria

HADDAD (K.) & AFOUTNI (L.) -Nouvelles localités et répartition du Capucin bec-d ’argent Euodice cantans dans le sud de l’Algérie. 4377, p.144-146., Alauda, volume 88 (2) 2020.
Between 25 September - 5 October and 21 - 31 December 2019, groups of the African Silverbill Euodice cantans were recorded and photographed in a series of localities South-East, South, North- West and East of Tamanrasset (Saharan Algeria). Presence of fledglings fed by adults as well as birds carrying nest material proved that the species is now well established as a breeding and sedentary species in this area and can no longer be considered as a very irregular migrant and accidental winter visitor in southern Algeria.

Posted on 18 de julho de 2020, 03:49 PM by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário