Arquivos de periódicos de fevereiro 2021

03 de fevereiro de 2021

Burlington Seasons Clock February Update

Burlington Phenologists,

After some deliberation over the new year, we've decided to shift the 2020 Burlington Seasons Clock project a bit to align better with the seasons. Being that we started this project around the vernal equinox in 2020, we'll run it through the end of winter 2021 to capture four full seasons of nature in Vermont.

This means we'll have the opportunity to document the earliest arrivals of migrating species in late winter, like the return of Canada geese, and phenological traits like flowering maples in March. Don't forget to appreciate the overwhelming murders, or roosts, of crows taking over the Old North End and growing by the day, either!

Check on the current clock and see a GIF past years' clock data here:

Stay tuned for a reboot of the seasons clock around Earth Day 2021 with an expanded area and revised focal species!

-Gustave Sexauer
Burlington Wildways

Posted on 03 de fevereiro de 2021, 03:24 AM by gsexauer gsexauer | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário