Nature Challenge starts in 8.5 hours! Friday-Monday

Hi folks,

The annual City Nature Challenge is getting ready to start (12:01 a.m. Friday!) and we need your help. Between Friday, April 26 and Monday, April 29, we need you to help us find as many species as possible using iNaturalist. All iNaturalist observations from Albemarle, Charlottesville, Nelson, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Orange counties will automatically be counted towards the Challenge.

I’ve tagged you in this post because you've made observations in the Charlottesville area and it's iNat observers like you who will push us ahead in number of of wildlife observations and species recorded in Virginia.

The City Nature Challenge (CNC) is an international effort for people to find and document what lives in communities across the globe. There are over 650 locations participating this year so it will be great to see what everyone finds!

You can track progress by joining our City Nature Challenge Project:

Not going to be in the Charlottesville area? We still want you to make wildlife observations, but please join the Global Project so they'll count toward CNC:

For more information and for a list of events happening across Virginia during this challenge, please visit our website at Make observations on your own, or join us for a hike!

Let me know if you have any questions. Spread the word!
Jen Dalke
Volunteer Program Manager
The Nature Conservancy, Virginia

@alexander969, @alexandria22, @annie_roberts1, @anniejo25, @ansonparker, @archaeonat, @ari-p, @astervr, @awitt7, @banjologist, @bbbbbeen, @becky168, @benjamin445, @bigintobirds, @biophilicjd, @bjm4z, @bluerasberry, @bobbiewms, @brittany706, @btucker, @caninjo, @capricada, @cassmccharen, @cgood, @chani, @chinniehaha, @conxtreme, @cuh, @danielmietchen, @david3055, @deb45w, @distraughtbeing, @duckenthusiast, @duffy21, @durieudm, @eschmidt, @fffrune, @fr8dog76, @ghostdog, @greengras2000, @helpimaworm, @hinsonal98, @hollidayl, @intoinsects. @jaaaaaaay997, @jacob62, @janefisher, @janelevy, @janetpaisley, @jefferykarafa, @jeffniz, @jeremyhoch, @jmeltond, @joestrouth1, @jshunter, @karen2727, @katie0328, @kcyuki, @kelseyschoenemann, @kes1961, @kevin_shiznit, @klmontamat, @kmkusnerik, @lacefloral, @laurasoutherland, @laurenstump, @lboogie, @lemonbar, @lenis2000, @lucapfephoto, @marthadonnelly, @mattnat73, @mayaenvs, @mekjeknisley, @melanie_monteclaro, @mellordavid, @mikefrink, @mizpurplest, @mmiriamm, @muckduck, @natsav, @navarreb, @newmann, @olivia_lewis, @outdoor4, @patannlloyd, @pattyw, @peytdiver, @peytwms, @plantlesbian, @poppylove329, @rcarter112, @river_grey, @rjando, @rowan_johnson, @rowanhh, @ruzby555, @ryan1410, @sbarling, @shainahuynh, @shuufly, @spacedog, @superdambar, @taylorlevit, @theostaengl, @thestarsandsea, @tinavasquez, @tinyplant, @tomincville, @tora7, @vbowen600, @vitasta, @walker9853, @wdgjrfaia, @whip-poor-will, @yanni_f

Posted on 25 de abril de 2024, 07:44 PM by jdalke jdalke


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