Saving your data on your phone

If you're keen on capturing photos with your cell phone but worry about exhausting your data allowance while in the field, there's a simple solution: Disabling automatic uploading while you're out in the field. By doing so, you can conserve your data until you're back within Wi-Fi range, where you can then connect and synchronize all your photos effortlessly.

To help you, see these example screenshots illustrating where to adjust these settings within both iPhone and Android devices. These screenshots show the checkbox to ensure that automatic uploading is turned off while you're on the go.

Once you're back within the vicinity of a Wi-Fi network, it's important to remember to select this option again to allow your photos to sync seamlessly. Do not shut the app while synchronizing. If you shut down the app, then the photos will not upload, and you will have an observation without images.

By following these simple steps, you can continue to snap away with your cell phone camera without the worry of consuming all your data. Happy shooting!

See pictures for examples of how to turn off/on see:

Posted on 14 de março de 2024, 07:23 PM by shauns shauns


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