New Name, New Focus

Hello all,
I'm sat here in the depths of winter watching the snow fall and nothing much else to do other than check over my last year's iNaturalist records and write a little update for the Owlthorpe Fields project.

As you can see from the banner we have finally got around to changing our name and a slight modification to our logo. After doing a Facebook pole of four suggested names, the overwhelming majority voted for Owlthorpe Conservation Group. So, this is what we will be called from henceforth, with the logo now being OCG not OAG (you can see it on the project banner).

We took the decision to change the name as our focus going forward is on enhancing Owlthorpe fields so that the local community and wildlife can share these places harmoniously. We are looking to improve them for the benefit of both people and the local wildlife. 'Conservation' group is a better reflection of what we are looking to do going forward. After 5 years of exhausting campaigning we are enjoying giving something back to the people who have supported throughout our endeavours to preserve these lovely wildlife rich Fields. We aren't content with just preventing development on the fields, we are striving to improve them and do our bit to tackle the biodiversity crisis in the UK.

We need to keep recording everything we see on the Fields as things change over time, species come and go and decline or increase. It's not exactly the weather for it at the moment, certainly not today, but spring is not far around the corner and there will soon be some lovely spring days to go out and record the early spring wildflower not forgetting of course the nesting birds.

Posted on 08 de fevereiro de 2024, 12:04 PM by vetch10 vetch10


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