New Project: Key Biodiversity Areas of Canada

Project ID:

KBAs are a global system replacing the past IBAs (Important Bird Areas) to recognize areas that are exceptionally important for wildlife and biodiversity. Any site within terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems can be KBAs if they meet the standardized criteria thresholds for a KBA designation. The criteria used to identify KBAs include:

• Threatened biodiversity
• Geographically restricted biodiversity
• Aggregations of species
• High ecological integrity
• High irreplaceability for multiple biodiversity values

Surrey is part of the established Fraser Estuary KBA and new KBAs are being nominated for other parts of BC. This Umbrella Project summarizes observations from all Canadian KBAs. KBAs will be added to this project as they are accepted. Help add to the growing list of plants and wildlife observed at these sites by visiting a KBA near you!

For more information on KBAs, visit the KBA Canada website at

Posted on 06 de setembro de 2023, 05:31 PM by surrey-bc_biodiversity surrey-bc_biodiversity


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