27 Nov/16

Odd winter. -3 C this morning, ice fog and hoarfrost. Looked really nice, but feel off. Should have snow, or at least be dipping down to -10 C at night.

When it's like this, the birds don't seem as active, especially in the mornings. Have seen some jays, chickadees and house sparrows buzzing around, but yesterday, when it was sunny and cool there were more about. The river, although it has frost and snow remnants down to the water, is not showing any signs of freezing. There was a gull of some sort flying overhead yesterday. I guess as long as there is open water (and the lakes to the north will be open) they hang around. Haven't seen any ducks/geese in some time.

Posted on 27 de novembro de 2016, 08:51 PM by mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata


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