First off, another huge THANK YOU to everyone who took part in the City Nature Challenge this year! From organizing cities to organizing events to making observations to IDing observations to making sure iNaturalist keeps running, everyone who plays a role is hugely important to the success of the CNC.
Enjoy this infographic below summarizing some results, and scroll beyond it to see some amazing observations from around the world and some other interesting results! And leave us a note in the comments letting us know your favorite find or favorite moment of the City Nature Challenge - we'd love to hear them!
-Alison (@kestrel) & Lila (@lhiggins), CNC co-organizers
Highlights from around the world include:
The endangered Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin in Hong Kong,
Andean condors (the largest flying bird in the world) circling the mountains of Bolivia,
the first-ever iNaturalist observation of a beautiful orchid in Colombia,
a swallow-tailed kite dropping an iguana mid-air in Miami,
an African leopard in Cape Town,
festive tiger beetles in Oklahoma,
and African penguins walking the beach.
The first-time participation of cities around the world, especially in areas that were less well-documented on iNaturalist prior to the Challenge, have added species that have never been recorded in the platform’s history.
Some other interesting results:
Tena had the most observations, species, and observers for the "smallest cities" both in terms of population and area... and Angel R. Cabada, Port Aransas, Luxembourg, Leicester, and Duluth are all represented in the top three as well for the two "small cities" categories.
In just the 4 days of the City Nature Challenge...
Tena increased its total number of observations on iNaturalist by 2529%, Leicester by 1618%, and Port Harcourt by 923%
La Paz added 2273 species to its place on iNaturalist, followed by Tena with 2272 and Klang Valley with 1707
Number of observers in Tena increased by 269%, by 216% in Port Harcourt, and by 158% in La Paz.
And for cities who participated in the 2018 CNC...
Buenos Aires had a 1386% increase in observations this year, followed by Hermosillo at 502% and Prague at 380%
Buenos Aires found 496% more species this year, then El Paso at 161% and Prague at 128%
Prague had the biggest % increase in observers at 631%, then Buenos Aires at 483%, and Boulder at 279%
Woot! This year was a blast, and I learned so much. It's so amazing to watch this grow every year. Thank you for making it possible!
What an amazing event! Thank you both for your dedication and hard work. What a phenomenal success!
This was a GLOBAL effort, driving home the point that we are all connected in our love for / and appreciation of natural habitats, conservation and the health of our shared planet. ONE EARTH for all of us. Let's pull together and keep our planet healthy for future generations!
Many thanks to the organizers of this event. Even though this was structured to be a competition, it served to bring us together in our shared goals and global perspective!
What an amazing competition! It boggles my mind to think that over 900K observations were made in the space of four days! Thanks to the organizers for making this contest possible, and thanks to the iNaturalist team for keeping iNaturalist up and running through the flood of observations over the past week!
Congratulations to the iNat behind-the-scenes team for keeping it all together and making it possible for thousands of extra observers to post their observations and identifications without the system falling over despite what must have been unprecedented extra traffic. It was a blast to be a part of this global event.
Huge thank you to @kestrel & @lhiggins for organizing!!
!!!! I'm so glad CNC exists, its a great event that got me into using Inat regularly and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you to all the organizers behind it!
Great few days, many of my friends far more interested in nature and photography than they used to be. Keep it up everyone for next time and do better
Thanks to the amazing organisers. This year was a lot of fun and excitement. We're definitely in for organising something in our backyard next year to get more people involved.
What an incredible global snapshot!! As we were closing in on the final days, I was really excited to see that the CNC wasn't US-dominated! Capetown, wow wow wow!!! And La Paz! And Tena! I decided to do a little click-exploring, and one of the most interesting things I found was that the #1 most observed species in Tena, Ecuador and #2 in Klang Valley, Malaysia was the African Giant Snail (Lissachatina fulica). Now, for someone who's familiar with this snail, that's probably not surprising. But for me, having never heard of it, that instantly let me know that this snail, which I assumed came from Africa, is now one of the most widespread species in a city in South America AND a city around the world in Southeast Asia. Clearly a globally invasive snail! I just felt like I was seeing the wonder of iNaturalist in real time, at a global level....and it was awesome!
Congratulations for the success! I've found it very interesting and funny to use it everyday!
Woohoo! Houston and Port Aransas representing TEXAS! I contributed to the Houston CNC. Wish I could have been in Port A too during the event period, but I was there are few weeks too early. Thanks for a fun event and thanks to those who helped me to identify some new species in my region! Learning more every day.
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