Arquivos de periódicos de maio 2021

20 de maio de 2021

Hyllus manu in Sri Lanka (New geo record both in iNat and in the world, I suppose)

I recently spotted a nearly dead jumping spider on a rose. It was barely twitching its legs, yet showed no more movement whatsoever. In a few hours it got a bit better, so I released it. Then it was identified as a Hyllus manu, a species thought to be endemic to Chennai, India! THIS COULD BE A NEW SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY! Any opinions? I have contacted Dr. Benjamin, an extensive spider researcher in Sri Lanka, but I have also asked for recommendations from @elaphrornis, @naufalurfi and @anubhav-agarwal.

We now know that there are some differences, but without examining the genitalia nothing can surely be established.

Posted on 20 de maio de 2021, 05:43 AM by vihaking277 vihaking277 | 1 observação | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário

21 de maio de 2021

Hyllus manu in Sri Lanka (New geo record both in iNat and in the world, I suppose)!

I recently spotted a nearly dead jumping spider on a rose. It was barely twitching its legs, yet showed no more movement whatsoever. In a few hours it got a bit better, so I released it. Then it was identified as a Hyllus manu, a species thought to be endemic to Chennai, India! THIS COULD BE A NEW SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY! Any opinions? I have contacted Dr. Benjamin, an extensive spider researcher in Sri Lanka, but I have also asked for recommendations from @elaphrornis, @naufalurfi and @anubhav-agarwal. Hyped for a reply!

Posted on 21 de maio de 2021, 06:53 AM by vihaking277 vihaking277 | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
