Arquivos de periódicos de maio 2018

01 de maio de 2018

Hatching into Spring

After Shipman Elementary School finished their field trip yesterday, we walked around cleaning up and checked on a few of the bird nests we have. Our wood ducks are moving along, one of our nests hatched while another has laid just about a full clutch. Meanwhile, our silly killdeer who like to nest along the rocky side of the driveway have hatched out.

For killdeer, their small speckled eggs closely resemble gravel. Shorebirds often nest on the ground making their camouflage sensible and evolutionary sound 100 or so years ago. Since we started building roads and constructing gravel driveways and walkways, their nesting habits seem to make less sense. I guess we're quiet enough out here in Brussels that our killdeer mom and pop weren't worried.

Posted on 01 de maio de 2018, 06:15 PM by tworiversnwr tworiversnwr | 2 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
