Arquivos de periódicos de novembro 2022

05 de novembro de 2022

Great public access lake for iNatting near Hamilton, TX

Just east of Hamilton on hwy 22. I'll be returning here. How has this place been hiding from me all of these years?,-98.0863433,16.54z

A 4x4 road allows one to, on foot, circumnavigate the lake (2.3 miles). I'd classify this as limestone prairie. Lots of possumhaw holly and Carolina buckthorn. Some stands of Maximilian sunflower, asters, and Pluchea camphorata would attract fall pollinators.

Posted on 05 de novembro de 2022, 11:43 PM by pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton | 5 comentários | Deixar um comentário