Arquivos de periódicos de junho 2018

28 de junho de 2018

Moving to the Big Thicket

I'm very excited to be moving to the Big Thicket area of east Texas about a month from now. The property is water front and nearby a nature preserve. My mom moved there about a year and a half ago. I'm moving in with her. This city life is not good for my chronic migraines.

I'd love to try microfishing and set up an aquarium on the back porch for photos. I heard about this microfishing technique from @cosmiccat. There is also a minnow trap left behind by the previous owners of the house.

Posted on 28 de junho de 2018, 05:51 AM by lappelbaum lappelbaum | 3 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
