Arquivos de periódicos de agosto 2022

11 de agosto de 2022

Gerald magpies

We identified a small group of Australian magpies around the Lincoln High School area on Wednesday 10th, containing one smaller, presumably male magpie named Gerald and two larger, presumably female magpies named Geraldine and Geraldetta. We fed Gerald and Geraldine before they flew off to attack and kill a sparrow, Geraldetta coming in to help them. About two hours later I tried to get pictures of them, taking some of Geraldine (which I uploaded to iNaturalist) before she flew away to land on a powerline. Gerald was with her and was also scared away, although Geraldetta has not been seen since she attacked the sparrow.

Gerald: smallest magpie, likely male
Geraldine: largest magpie, likely female
Geraldetta: only seen too far away to determine size, likely female

Observations: by knightsw by flynnnaysmith

Posted on 11 de agosto de 2022, 07:52 PM by knightsw knightsw | 1 observação | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
