Arquivos de periódicos de setembro 2019

17 de setembro de 2019

Nature Walk on Newton Campus

I took a walk through the trails of Edmands Park behind the dorms of BC's Newton Campus. The weather was cool enough to wear a sweatshirt, but warm enough to wear a t-shirt. I saw lots of squirrels and chipmunks, but every time I tried to get a clear photo, they would jolt away. In one clear section of the forests, there was a wall of sound coming from the grasshoppers, which stopped instantly once this woman and her two dogs approached. It was incredibly ominous and down-right spooky since the sun was setting soon. I also casually mentioned that I was going to go on this nature walk to three kids on my floor and they all wanted to go, even though none of them take any science classes. This worked out well because of all the other people on the trails were incredibly sketchy. There was tons of flowers, trees, fungi, and mosses, but surprisingly I never noticed any birds. It was a great location to go to because of its proximity to my dorm.

Posted on 17 de setembro de 2019, 12:30 AM by kevinlatu kevinlatu | 5 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
