Arquivos de periódicos de dezembro 2021

04 de dezembro de 2021

Little Grass Frog

Little Grass Frog
(Pseudacris ocularis)
Isabella Melendez

Usually about 0.5 inches in size. Body has a yellow color with a tint of gray and reddish brown, marked with dark stripes over their body roughly stretching from their nose to the groan. The body has narrow dark stripes on the sides, and the chin and legs are covered with dark spots.

Where to find it at UCF
Reflecting ponds or any other areas where small lakes or ponds may be. This species of frog likes to be in moist areas in the shade. Can be found near the edges of ponds and swampy areas. Like to be underside rocks, leaves, on the ground, and in the trees.

Habitat Associations
Found throughout the majority of Florida excluding the western regions and the Florida Keys. Mainly found close to the ground in grassy and wet areas.

Lay eggs year round in Florida and can lay from 1-25 eggs. Breeds in fish free wetlands like wet flatwoods, marshes, bogs, wet prairies, and shallow regions.

Food Habits
Ants, beetles, mites, springtails, and other tiny invertebrates.

Management/Conservation Considerations
Little Grass Frogs rely on mossy areas and shallow free wetlands to survive, eat, and breed. Therefore staying clear of small lakes or pool areas would be most beneficial to this species.

Posted on 04 de dezembro de 2021, 12:43 AM by isabella476 isabella476 | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
