16 de janeiro de 2012

Specimen 1

1/15/12 1503. Fred Meyers Shopping Centre, Lacey, WA. Around 190 ft elevation. I drove from the Value Village parking lot to the parking lot beside a defunct Travel and Cruise agency. The parking lot was nearest Pacific ave. Large snowflakes were falling slowly from a completely white grey sky. I noticed a grassy area with deciduous trees, while walking my dog to strech his legs. This is a highly landscaped area, the only wild plants appeared to be the moss and lichen growing on the bark of the trees. I wonder what the soil is like. Perhaps it is fill dirt. The tree trunk had multiple mosses growing mostly on the south facing side nearest Pacific. I imagine that had the most amount of exhaust pollution. I wonder what other features would encourage the moss to grow there. Possibly Ulota obtusiuscula?

Posted on 16 de janeiro de 2012, 01:22 AM by imatsuoka imatsuoka | 1 observação | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
