29 de agosto de 2020

Moths, Moths and more Moths!

There are so many beautiful moths in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia!!

I was fortunate enough to visit friends and they left the light on all night for me so I could capture these beauties (in photos) in the morning!

Posted on 29 de agosto de 2020, 10:30 PM by chelseacolbourne chelseacolbourne | 16 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

Experiment 1 - Species abundance at Jamesville West

Friends of ours have a private beach on a pebbly/sandy spit of land amidst the Bras d'Or lakes. Its a beautiful spot that their family ancestors landed on when they arrived in Nova Scotia. I'm not surprised they decided to stay after seeing all the edible plants and appreciating the beauty of Cape Breton Island! Here are a few of the photos I've added of my species abundance survey using 50cm x 50cm quadrats for my data collection photos. Of course I saw some insects along the way and added their photos too! I cannot deny a picture of the little guys, especially when they stop for just such an occasion!

Posted on 29 de agosto de 2020, 10:27 PM by chelseacolbourne chelseacolbourne | 24 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

Experiment 2 - Species abundance survey of Crystal Crescent Provincial beach

Today was a perfect sweater day at Crystal Crescent! While the weather called for rain I made the most of the non busy beach day by packing up all my field equipment and tracing transect lines to collect pictures of all the wonderful plants around the beach!
I was amazed at all the edible seaweeds and plants that I found! They are so beautiful and so abundant compared to some other beaches I've been around! The rockweed, knotted wrack, and bladder wrack hugged every inch of the low tide zone rocks that they could! Barnacles and periwinkles hid beneath the seaweeds while the tide was out too!

Posted on 29 de agosto de 2020, 10:23 PM by chelseacolbourne chelseacolbourne | 16 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

The beginnings of intertidal ecology and diversity (BIOL 3664)

We went on a scouting mission to Crystal Crescent Provincial beach on June 26th ... I need to do several field experiments for my summer course and thought this location would be insightful! We got to see a few different plant species - some of which I had not noticed on other visits to the beach!

I remember seeing so many Northern Blue Flag iris and loving each and every one of them! Of course there were a few birds hanging out too as the kids played in the surf! Much too chilly for me but we had a great time!

Posted on 29 de agosto de 2020, 10:18 PM by chelseacolbourne chelseacolbourne | 4 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
