Arquivos de periódicos de outubro 2019

15 de outubro de 2019

Nature Walk: October 8-17: Houghton Garden

For this nature walk, I decided to once again try somewhere new, so I went to the Houghton Garden in Newton. The garden, despite its name, is wild, and is not landscaped. As the theme for this walk is plants, I spent the majority of my time there looking for different types of them, capturing a picture of one every now and then. I even managed to find a good amount of lichens and mosses around the area. The Garden itself was really nice, with the foliage and trails surrounding a central pond. However, the sound of the nearby T going by every now and then surely interrupted the peaceful atmosphere, but I wouldn't say that it completely ruined the experience. Funnily enough, for the first time this semester that I wasn't looking for a vertebrate, they were everywhere. Every time I turned a corner on a trail there was a chipmunk or squirrel standing in the middle of the path. The weather was perfect, with sunny skies and the temperature hovering in the mid to low 60s.

Posted on 15 de outubro de 2019, 06:32 PM by brandonshumate brandonshumate | 5 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
