Arquivos de periódicos de maio 2018

07 de maio de 2018

TAW Devine Lake May

It was a nice evening at the lake after the storms and much needed rain the day before. The lake is still very low. Hopefully we will get more rain before heading into the heat of summer, or the lake will dry up leaving our amphibian friends high and dry. A small group attended, Kathy M., Meghan D. and myself. We heard Blanchard Cricket Frogs calling at a C=3 and Gulf Coast Toads calling at C=2 from the side of the lake that abuts private property. At the entrance to the lake in the open field the rains created a nice puddle for the Western Narrow-mouthed toads and they were calling at a C=3. We got good looks at them as well. Kathy and I heard Chirping frogs near the bathroom/parking lot area but they stopped calling the moment we got our phones out to record. We will have to make an effort to get these in the future since they have not been documented in the past during our monthly watches.

We also spotted 2 Blotched water snakes and one Diamondback water snake.

Temperature was 66F
Water was 76F
Humidity 52%
Lake well below average

Posted on 07 de maio de 2018, 01:18 PM by bethd bethd | 4 observações | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário