Arquivos de periódicos de outubro 2019

15 de outubro de 2019

Nature walk #2: plants

My nature walk for this week consisted of wild organisms I came across on my walk from campus to the Starbucks on Washington Street. The walk itself takes about 25 min but there is a park on the way so I spent a little time here. The weather was beautiful, about 65 degrees, sunny, and slightly breezy. I saw a wide range of plants, from mosses, to flowers, to weeds. I also saw a lot of fungi on the wood of trees and on rocks, but did not include any photos. There was a ton of people out and about today walking their dogs so I got to meet a lot of friendly doggies:)

Posted on 15 de outubro de 2019, 06:42 PM by alisonheckman alisonheckman | 5 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
