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Março 14, 2023 09:30 AM AEDT


  1. Cypselas with marginal ridges developed and often prominent, flattened faces with or without ribbing
  2. Flattened faces of cypselas ribbed
  3. Facial ribs of cypselas not or scarcely convergent, and all or most ribs continued through to summit; marginal ribs rarely fused with adjacent facial ribs
  4. Marginal ribs of cypselas covered with hairs similar to those of cypsela faces (but hairs sometimes smaller), glands or glandular hairs often present on cypsela faces
  5. Eglandular hairs on upper part of cypsela faces entire or minutely and acutely bifid; hairs on marginal ridges of similar length to those of faces (but sometimes incurved); vegetative parts weakly glandular or eglandular
  6. Leaves cuneate, oblanceolate or obovate (rarely spathulate and then more or less evenly tapered to base), usually longitudinally folded, entire or with a pair of short lobes toward tip; involucres mostly more than 6 mm long
  7. Indumentum of straight or slightly curved or crisped, spreading to appressed, stiffish hairs, if ever somewhat cottony never completely covering stems, leaves or bracts
  8. Non-glandular hairs of vegetative parts strigose, stiff, appressed (or spreading on stems)

Vittadinia cuneata cuneata - Photo (c) Ellura Sanctuary, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Ellura Sanctuary
Identificação de chris_lunardi: Vittadinia cuneata var. cuneata, um membro de Asteráceas (Família Asteraceae)
Adicionado em 10 de novembro de 2023


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