Titirangi, Auckland.
Zigzag Track, in Atkinson Park.
Very small. Two were on a dead tree; one pinged (pung?) away so I grabbed this one.
Very dark red in colour, Is there anyone who can Identify this species of Tetragnatha?
Reported to be c. 4 m long excluding the tentacles.
ID by Dr Kat Bolstad, AUT Lab for Cephalopod Ecology & Systematics.
Observation and images courtesy of Paddy Gillooly and Anton Donaldson, Farewell Spit Tours. Images copyright Anton Donaldson.
Hikurangi Floodplain
Hikurangi 9 C Wairua North
Malaise trap
30 Jan-27 Feb 2019
Uploaded on behalf of Stephen Thorpe, who is currently unable to log in.
In dish used to feed sugar solution to birds.
Size of a 1$ coin (including legs). A good population of this spider in Taranaki's main crater at 2450m of elevation.
A hermaphrodite spider. Two pedipalps and a epigynum
Found in a cup holder inside a house. Note this species isn't typically found near households either.
Really small specimen in bush area under pohutukawa tree and ponga.
In a silk tunnel inside rotten log.
size approx 4.5 to 5 mm; under loose bark on Fucschia tree
This is the third observation of this species (that I know of). See:
Maurice (a.k.a. epitree)
http://naturewatch.org.nz/observations/2467816 and
and Bryce McQuillan
http://www.brycephotography.co.nz/gallery/spiders/#Jumping Spiders
The distribution is widespread and the phenotype seems quite "stable".