
Welcome to our Norfolk bioblitz!

So what's it all about? Well, over the three days of our sailing trip around the Norfolk broads we will take advantage of our small, quiet, traditional mode of transport and observe as much wildlife as we can. Plants, animals, algae, fungi and the rest - any living thing can be added to the records and the more we can record the better. Whatsmore, we can call on the expertise of thousands of iNaturalist users to help us identify our sightings. Pretty cool huh?!

All we have to do it take photos of wildlife using the iNaturalist app and upload them here with a GPS location and any other relevant field notes.

Let's see what we can find!

Susannah and the science gang x

Posted on 24 de maio de 2017, 01:12 PM by boatanist boatanist


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