June 24 Update

Today's Four-spotted Skimmer map. Over 200 observations. 30 Counties (in orange). 22 new County Records (with white dots).

At Rick Nirschl suggestion, green dots have been added to indicate Counties where we have received 10 or more observations since 6/15 - but no Four-Spots. Fewer than 10 observations is just a number, but no counties with Four-Spot observations have fewer than 10. This doesn't mean they're not there, just that we haven't recorded them YET.

Up in the air - 1) Are they still arriving? Or 2) do we have what we're going to get? If the latter, now it's a rush to observe as attrition kicks in - Kingbirds, Darners, Age...

Posted on 24 de junho de 2023, 11:54 AM by jimlem jimlem


Jim - thanks for the great charts - very interesting to follow this exciting event. Jim Heflich

Publicado por laureldoc cerca de 1 ano antes

Jim-Jim Heflich said it all!! Thanks for all you do. This is a very exciting event; maybe a once in a lifetime experience.

Publicado por sallypsandpiper cerca de 1 ano antes

I agree, thank you for your efforts! I don't get out in the field much, but I'm giving a shout out for folks to check out Wood County (including the Wood County Parks system), I'm imagining that we have a four-spot flying somewhere within the friendly confines of the county boundaries.

Publicado por woodcountyparks cerca de 1 ano antes

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