Biological clock

Last year, on February 17th, I wrote on my blog:
"Suddenly, it happened… The birds near my bird-feeder realized that spring is in the air!

Until saturday, there was very peaceful coexistence at the feeder. OK, birds of the same species would be fighting sometimes, but quite often we had 10 finches on the ground, and more than a handful of tits hanging on those bird cakes.

But that seems to be all over now.
Since last sunday, an atmosphere of war has come."

And today, (almost) exactly on the same date, I could write the same.
Two male blackbirds are fighting all the time, they barely take the time to eat some seeds.
The great tits seem in state of war, as are the finches, who have more interest in fight than in sunflowerseeds.

But not everyone is dueling: The Long-tailed tits are still flying together like a beautiful 'corps de ballet', and the Wood pigeons, searching for acorn under the big oak tree, are still each others best friends...

Posted on 16 de fevereiro de 2010, 10:29 PM by annetanne annetanne


Fotos / Sons


Chapim-Rabilongo (Aegithalos caudatus)




Fevereiro 15, 2010 04:26 PM CET


A group of 10 Long-tailed tits is visiting our bird-feeder on a daily base.

It has been snowing again here, so today they seemed to stay for a longer period in my garden, instead of disappearing after only ten minutes.


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