At halfway point

Early Sunday morning, we're about halfway through (the daylight hours of) CNC2024. Some of us got some surprise rain yesterday, but fortunately nothing like the downpours we endured last year!

There are more lovely field events happening today and tomorrow--see Field Events .

Now is a good time to get on those facebook pages where people are always posting pix of birds/weeds/plants they was hiking/critters in their yard etc. and asking for ID.

Sometimes I comment something like this:
If you post this photo to iNaturalist you'll get an instant computer vision suggestion, then when you upload you'll get feedback from a helpful community of citizen and professional scientists, AND your observation contributes to science! All observations through Monday night will count towards the City Nature Challenge, an annual bioblitz taking place worldwide and right here in the DC area!

Many people don't yet understand that iNat is much, much more than a quick ID app. Part of our work to build that iNaturalist community is our ID events, happening Tuesday and Thursday of next week. The observation period will have ended at midnight on Monday night April 30, but we have until next Monday morning (May 6, when the results are announced) to get observations uploaded and identified. Whether you are an expert identifier or complete newcomer, there is room for you Tuesday, April 30 and/or Thursday, May 2 from 7-8:30pm.

We'll offer a quick tutorial on using iNat's amazing ID tools to make the most of YOUR knowledge level. The we'll get into virtual breakout rooms to work on the group of your choice--birds, plants, spiders etc., or just moving Unknowns into broad categories so the experts can find them. We'll also keep the main Zoom room open for people with general iNat questions or who need help uploading their observations. Join us at this link both nights!
Join Zoom Meeting
right here!

Posted on 28 de abril de 2024, 11:34 AM by dbarber dbarber


So excited for the warmer weather today! Should be much better for insects.

I'm headed to Fort Dupont this morning along Fort Davis Drive if anyone wants to join me there!

Publicado por carrieseltzer cerca de 2 meses antes

Excited for the warm weather! Unfortunately I didn't notice the event started until today. Oops!

Publicado por picklejar cerca de 2 meses antes

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