Accuracy of observation locality.

When contributing to iNaturalist, ensuring the accuracy of your observations is important to maintaining the integrity of the platform's data. Your efforts are invaluable in advancing our collective understanding of the natural world!

When you upload an observation, you'll have the opportunity to specify the accuracy of your sighting. This helps other users and researchers understand the reliability of your location data. Remember, accuracy matters, and even small adjustments can make a big difference.

To ensure your observations are as precise as possible, take a moment to zoom in on the location within the app and note the accuracy indicator. Aim for a finer accuracy reading for better precision. Keep in mind that iNaturalist won't index observations that fall outside the designated project area, so it's essential to be as accurate as you can. The closer you are to the boundary the more precise your accuracy needs to be.

If you're confident in your location, feel free to pinpoint it with 1-meter accuracy. Otherwise, a general guideline of 20 meters can help maintain a reasonable level of certainty for your observations.
Note that if the observation is obscured, other people will not be able to view the exact location but the information will still be valid or scientific research.

While technology can assist in determining accuracy, it's always a good idea to double-check manually. Do not solely rely on your camera or phone to provide this information.

Your dedication to accuracy not only enhances the quality of your observations but also contributes to the effectiveness of iNaturalist as a tool for scientific research and conservation.
Keep up the great work, and together, we can continue to uncover the wonders of the natural world!

Posted on 13 de março de 2024, 06:42 PM by shauns shauns


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