How to take observations on i-Naturalist app

Make sure you have joined the Citizen Ruru project on i-Naturalist.

  1. Add observations by clicking on the camera icon. 📷
  2. Select one of the following media type if you have any, else select "No Media".
  3. Fill out the following details for your observation.
     a) Click on "What did you see?" and look up "Morepork" or "Ruru".
     b) Date, time and location should be auto-filled and left unchanged if you recorded your observation when it happened.

  4. Under "Projects", you should be able to find "Citizen Ruru" if you have joined.
  5. Choose "Citizen Ruru" and fill out the required field -- "Is this observation part of your 1-hour survey?".
  6. After choosing the project and filling out the fields, go back to "Details" and click "Share".

If you did not observe any ruru during your 1-hour survey, simply fill out this Google Form so your efforts don't go to waste.

Still confused? Don't hesitate to contact me at 😀

Posted on 21 de dezembro de 2023, 09:10 PM by ameiba ameiba


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