Knowledge from the GO!

It's less than three hours left from day one of the Zealandia BioBlitz GO! event. While there's a lot of work still to do to process observations and make sense of it all, it's clear that everyone's efforts are adding a lot to our knowledge of Zealandia nature.

Before today, we knew of 383 species from Zealandia including 193 species observed and photographed by people on NatureWatch NZ. Now we've got 235 species on NatureWatch NZ including 44 species not previously on our Zealandia lists.

That's only going to go up as the rest of today's observations are processed.

In total so far, just today, 42 people have added 357 observations of 190 species. Tomorrow is the school day of the BioBlitz GO! event. Let's see how many more species Wellington kids can find.

Posted on 26 de fevereiro de 2017, 08:28 AM by jon_sullivan jon_sullivan


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