Suggest another feature?

If there are any other features you think would be useful, and are general (not specific to small groups), then please suggest them here.
Please specify parameters explicitly.

  • Request: Make field numerical (was text).

Posted on 23 de abril de 2024, 01:40 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Can we also include centipede's?

Publicado por jaheymans cerca de 2 meses antes

Yes: anything that has segments.

Publicado por tonyrebelo cerca de 2 meses antes

I gather the field entry is seen as a character string and cannot be evaluated as a number?
So we can't use, for instance, &field:body%20segments>48

Publicado por wynand_uys cerca de 1 mês antes

I can probably change it to a number if you would prefer.
I was thinking that people might want to put in estimates (e.g 46-48), but I am happy to make it a simple number.
I would need to check though that the > or < or <= and >= work though

Publicado por tonyrebelo cerca de 1 mês antes

Thanks, Tony.
I think estimates might be troublesome, especially in terms of format: 46 - 48 or 46-48 or 46 to 48. And then, in the case of this example, if I search for 47, it would be missed.
A number, even if it is out by 1 or 2 will be more useful.
But, as you say, Boolean logic might be available for the search terms anyway.

Publicado por wynand_uys cerca de 1 mês antes

Done: made a number. No conflicting data.
Very many thanks.

Publicado por tonyrebelo cerca de 1 mês antes

It appears one cannot use > or < in a search of a numerical field. Also multiple values (e.g. 46,47) does not work.
Have flagged a request.

Publicado por tonyrebelo cerca de 1 mês antes

Thank you, Tony.
Very helpful!

Publicado por wynand_uys cerca de 1 mês antes

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