Making ideal spider observations on iNaturalist

Spider photographs added to iNaturalist help paint a picture of species biodiversity. As a snapshot of a species at a time and place, these observations can provide useful scientific information, but identifying spiders via photo can be tricky. Capturing some key features can help researchers learn as much as possible from your iNaturalist observations:
-Take more than one photo
-Get in close to photograph key physical features like patterning, leg and body shape, and if possible the eyes. Some spiders can only be fully ID'd by their eye patterns.
-In addition to close-up photos, make sure to get a shot from farther away, to show where the spider was found (a bridge railing, fence line, rosebush, etc.) - habitats can be important data!
-Photograph the web

Read more here.

The information above is meant to encourage more detailed spider observations, when possible. It may not be possible to get all, or sometimes any of these accomplished in a given observation. If you cannot meet all of these aspects, fear not! Post the best observation you are able to. Note that some genera may still not be fully distinguished with photographic evidence. NHMU recommends practicing ethical nature photography at all times. When possible, please do not cause animals stress, respect webs and territories, and remember that you are a visitor to their world.

Information is a compilation of recommendations from NHMU scientists and local Utah Arachnologists. Special thanks to:
Christy Bills, Entomology Collections Manager, Natural History Museum of Utah
Rebecca Ray, Volunteer, Natural History Museum of Utah
Madelyn Boudreaux, Spinnerette Photography

Posted on 04 de agosto de 2020, 07:22 PM by nhmucitsci nhmucitsci


Love this!

@tigerbb :)

Publicado por sambiology quase 4 anos antes

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