Stefan Pav

Entrou: 10 de jun. de 2021 Última vez ativo: 23 de out. de 2024 iNaturalist

Dipl. Biol. (botanics, ecology). Not a trained marine biologist, I just like it a lot.
I declared myself a zoologist when I was a little boy, as soon as I could put on a snorkeling mask.


Thank you for your IDs and comments!
Main interests:
Underwater life of the N-Adriatic: Croatia. Botanics of Germany, Austria, Croatia. Limnic life of freshwater lakes (so far only in Saxony). Anything else that passes by my camera.
(My uploads of in-vitro shells and carapaces are all dead finds, no living specimens were collected. In recent years I have been using a small foldable blackbox for light and background control. It is easy to bring to the beach ... take the pics on site and leave the shells in the sea.)


License for my photos is (C).
Generally, I don't mind people using my pics. If you ask me personally (pm), I probably will allow it.


-> Identification Etiquette on iNaturalist
I love identifying. I am not a specialist, more of a generalist.
Main focus: Marine life of the Adriatic Sea > Mediterraneis > Europe. Botanics of Austria and Germany.
(As a trained rainforest ecologist I will not be able to abstain from also IDing a few rainforest organisms every now and then.)


MEDITERRANEIS and EUROPEAN SEAS - books, monographs & keys that I use for identification :
Alf, Brenzinger, Haszprunar, Schrödl, Schwabe: A Guide to Marine Molluscs of Europe (2020)
André, Corolla, Lanza, Rochefort: Bryozoaires d'Europe (2014)
Antolic, Zuljevic, Vukovic: Check list of bethic marine macroalgae on the eastern Adriatic coast (2001)
Baldacconi, Trainito: Spugne del Mediterraneo (2013)
Bay-Nouaihat, Bay-Nouaihat: Guide des Tuniciers de l'Europe de l'Ouest (2020)
Bowen, Goodwin, Kipling, Picton: Sea Squirts and Sponges of Britain and Ireland (2018)
Brunetti, Mastrototaro: Fauna d'Italia - Ascidiacea of the European waters (2017)
Cabioc'h, Floc'h, Toquin, Boudouresque, Meinesz, Verlaque: Guide des Algues des Mers d'Europe (1992)
Falciai, Minervini: Guida dei Crostacei Decapodi d'Europe (1992)
Gil: The Europaean fauna of Annelida Polychaeta (2011)
Hayward, McKinney: Northern Adriatic Bryozoa from the vicinity of Rovinj, Croatia (2002)
Igić: Cirripedia of Adriatic (2007)
Kovačić, Renoult, Pillon, Svendsen, Bogorodsky, Engin, Louisy: Identification of Mediterranean marine gobies (...) of the continental shelf from Photographs of in situ individuals (2022)
Le Granché, André, Rochefort: Spongiaires de France (2018)
Louisy: Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish (ital.: 2020, eng.: 2015, ger.: 2002)
Müller: Reconnaître les principaux bivalves fouisseurs ou foreurs au moyen de leurs siphons (2016)
Neumann, Paulus: Mittelmeer-Atlas - Fische und ihre Lebensräume (2005)
Nikolić: Flora Croatica - Vaskularna Flora Republike Hrvatske 2-3 (2020)
Noel: Cle preliminaire d'identification des Crustacea Decapods de France er des principales autres espèces d'Europe (1992)
Pansini, Manconi, Pronzato: Fauna d'Italia - Porifera I (2011)
Pillon: Astropecten of the Mediterranean Sea (2020)
Poppe, Goto: European Seashells Vol. II (1993)
Renoult, Pillon, Kovačić, Louisy: Gobies of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean: Gobius and Thorogobius (2022)
Riedl: Fauna und Flora der Adria (1970)
Rodríguez-Prieto, Ballesteros, Boisset, Afonso-Carillo: Alghe e Fanerogame del Mediterraneo (2015)
Tiralongo: Blennies of the Mediterranean Sea (2020)
Tortonese: Fauna d'Italia - Echinodermata (1963)
Trainito, Baldacconi: Atlante di Flora e Fauna del Mediterraneo (6th ed. 2021)
Trainito, Baldacconi: Coralli del Mediterraneo (2016)
Wirtz, Debelius: Niedere Tiere Mittelmeer/ Atlantik (2003)
... and an ever increasing number of other publications ...

BOTANIK DEUTSCHLAND/ ÖSTERREICH - Bücher, die ich zur Bestimmung verwende:
Buttler: Steinbachs Naturführer Orchideen
Eschrich: Gehölze im Winter - Zweige und Knospen
Fischer, Adler, Oswald: Exkursionsflora Österreich Liechtenstein Südtirol
Fritsch: Exkursionsflora von Österreich
Godet: Bäume und Sträucher
Godet: Blüten der heimischen Baum- und Straucharten
Grau, Kremer, Möseler, Rambold, Triebel: Steinbachs Naturführer Gräser
Häupler, Muer: Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands
Kremer: Steinbachs Naturführer Strauchgehölze
Mitchell: Parey - Die Wald- und Parkbäume Europas
Oberdorfer: Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora
Rothmaler: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland 2-5
Schmeil-Fitschen: Flora von Deutschland und angrenzender Länder
Grey-Wilson, Blamey: Parey - Bergblumen

WEB: Sources of information I frequently use. (color shade determination tool for your observation pics - very useful!)
(Not everything posted on those sites is certified truth. Handle with care. But you know that.)

COMMENTS I frequently do not post:
"You should have left it in the ocean."
"Science is not a matter of opinion."
"Geneticists tell us we are apes, let's not forget that."

In earlier centuries, naturalists used to kill any specimen they wanted to identify (often without second thought).
This seems to be typical human behaviour.
But we can do better. Thank you for proving it.

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